Making banking more friendly and delightful.

Making banking more friendly and delightful.

Making banking more friendly and delightful.

Making banking more friendly and delightful.

Making banking more friendly and delightful.


I redesigned the main app of Bankinter so users could manage their money better. It was quite a journey, understanding the users' needs and ways to improve the app's experience. Also, with this project, I was responsible for creating the Design System Language (DSL) for all the mobile applications in the company.

Data Analysis, Interface Design, Design System, UX Writing,  Interaction Design, Team Management

Data Analysis, Interface Design, Design System, UX Writing,  Interaction Design, Team Management


It's too big to change it all, so what's the user really need? 

Facing a brand and technology transition, our strategy to outline a roadmap was to analyze the app's usage and focus on the more important features to our clients. So we tested the current processes to understand how to make them easier to use and give our clients the best experience.

We started examining our data based on what our clients were saying in AppStore and Google Pay, our NPS, and comments in our surveys. Unfortunately, this didn't give us significant insights to work on in design, but definitely, they're saying that we had a lot of room for improvement.


Know their balance, send money fast, and let them know when and where they need to pay attention.

After analyzing all the data, we found 3 keys to start thinking in the design solution:

  • The clients need to know what was their financial situation at first glance.
  • The most used features were transfers and bizum, so they needed to be faster and easier to complete.
  • We needed to improve how we communicated with our clients and speak their language to engage with them.

Banking made easy

I've started designing the main screen of our app, keeping in mind that the actual way of showcasing the products works well for our clients, and we only needed to make minor adjustments to improve it.

So, we tried to enhance the experience by adding new information at the top so the users could understand at first sight what was happening with their money showing a chart comparing income and expenses with access to a PFM with more detail.

At the same time, we worked on the app's information architecture, which was one of the main complaints of our clients. The solution was to take advantage of the tabBar and use a central button that already existed but made it contextual and the center point to reach all the app's features. This button at first learns from the user to show the frequent actions at the first level, leaving for the second level the access for the rest of the features. With this change, the user will find the features he uses the most at the same place and in the exact section he needs. 

1, 2, 3... Money Sent

Sending money should be the easier thing to do cause you only need to know how much and to whom you want to send it. But sometimes, carrying all the weight of a large institution doesn't seem simple enough to do so. So based on our analysis, we tried to make the process for 80% of our transitions as simple as possible without leaving the other 20% apart.

Our primary attention was to reduce the number of steps and rely on background calls to add complexity. Wich lets us ask for additional information only when it is needed.


Hello there, you need to...

We found that we talked to users mostly in financial terms, which was not the best way, especially in painful moments that needed the user's attention and action.

So we proposed to make this communication more friendly, consistent, and always centered on the crucial part of the message. Those premises marked down all the UX Writing of the app, taking every moment of feedback into account (toast messages, feedback on processes, push notifications, empty states...).


Making everything work smooth and organized. 


After the baseline was designed and approved, a dedicated agile team was created to develop the app and work on the remaining features, including all the corner cases. That was genuinely revealing as we needed to review some of the processes to be more scalable without losing the simplicity we're trying to achieve from the beginning.

As design lead of the app and DSL, I ensured that the design followed our primary goal to deliver a delightful and easy experience for our users.

To this come true, I designed a workflow so the three branches of the project - design, DSL, and development - could work hand in hand without delays in the deliveries. The handoff for the development was one of my main concerns to have all the information needed.

As the machine started working, everything exponentially gained velocity, and the gears kept working, of course, with some bumps along the way that we tried to minimize as a team.


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maybe you're interested in saying hi.

If you reach this far,
maybe you're interested in
saying hi.

© 2023 Diana Morgado  ·  All rights reserved 
© 2021 Diana Morgado  ·  All rights reserved 
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